Process & Services

The Process

I believe that knowing the process will help those people who are apprehensive to feel a little more at ease in accessing my services.

1. Intake/Referral: To start a conversation with me you can contact me one of three ways: phone or text 204-721-0875; email ( )me with a general description of what is going on for you that encouraged you to contact me; or third—and probably the easiest for apprehensive folks—is to complete the contact me or intake form and clicking send.

2. Consultation (free): Once you have made the initial contact, the next step in the process can look a few different ways. We have a consultation session immediately or we set up a time when we can either talk privately on the phone or meet face to face. This first session is free because at this point, I am still learning about you and your situation and you can check me out. I ask a lot of questions and I encourage you to be as open and honest as you are comfortable and ask me questions about how I work. This session will help us to decide if:

  • I will be helpful to you. Do I have the skill set to effectively help and support you? It is my responsibility to ensure that I have adequate professional knowledge and the skill to be effectively help with your presenting issues. If it turns out that I do not, I will work with you to find another professional counsellor that is able to provide you with effective help. I will continue to support you while a referral is completed….you will not be left on your own.​
  • Are we a good fit? Do you feel that you can be open and honest with me? Do you trust me? Do you feel certain that the information you share with me is kept private and confidential? Do you feel heard, that you will have control over what direction we take in your healing process? Do you feel true, authentic compassion from me and not judged?

3. Blueprinting: After discussing and answering the above very important questions and deciding we will continue to work together, we plan how our counselling/client relationship will work. Discuss when, where and how our next session will take place, our expectations and boundaries for each other and how we process your information in each session.

And that’s it. You have taken a risk. Feel proud that you chose to take care of yourself. You are the most important person in someone’s world and by reaching out for help you have just confirmed you care enough about them to take care of yourself. You matter, you are worth it, and you are absolutely good enough!

Services Offered

I offer services in the form of one-to-one, family and couples counselling at a rate of $85.00 per 60-minute session. I offer rates on a sliding scale to accommodate those requiring it. I offer rates on a sliding scale to accommodate those requiring it. I am an approved service provider with the insurance companies shown at the bottom of the page.

I also offer workshop and group facilitation for communities, agencies and companies on the topics listed below. Please contact me for a further discussion regarding format (topic, how long, target audience, etc.) and pricing.


  • the addicted person
  • affected persons, highlighting parents of an adult offspring
  • adult offspring of addict
  • on-going recovery
  • dual-diagnosis (addictions and mental health)

Grief, Loss and Change

  • death of significant person
  • major life change, retirement, divorce
  • loss of job, family, mobility, etc.


  • children of incarcerated significant others (parents, siblings, grandparents)
  • parents of incarcerated children of all ages
  • partners of incarcerated individuals

Mental Health

  • parents of affected persons who have confirmed diagnosis
  • parents of affected persons undiagnosed
  • significant others to persons affected that are self-medicating
  • those living with a mental health diagnosis
  • depression, anxiety, personality disorders
  • suicide
  • dual-diagnosis (mental health and addictions)


  • childhood
  • specific incident
  • PTSD
  • domestic violence
  • those affected by someone dealing with trauma